The Columbia University Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center (CU-DLDRC) promotes collaborative and multidisciplinary research in digestive and liver diseases, integrating expertise in clinical and basic gastroenterology and hepatology with state-of-the-art computational bioinformatics.

We support collaboration among different specialties and backgrounds and promote innovative and creative research approaches. We unite investigators with interests in digestive, liver, and pancreatic physiology and disease in the exploration of creative experimental approaches.

Columbia University
Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center
The Columbia University Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center (CU-DLDRC) promotes collaborative and multidisciplinary research in digestive and liver diseases, integrating expertise in clinical and basic gastroenterology and hepatology with state-of-the-art computational bioinformatics.

We support collaboration among different specialties and backgrounds and promote innovative and creative research approaches. We unite investigators with interests in digestive, liver, and pancreatic physiology and disease in the exploration of creative experimental approaches.
Columbia University
Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center
The Columbia University Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center (CU-DLDRC) promotes collaborative and multidisciplinary research in digestive and liver diseases, integrating expertise in clinical and basic gastroenterology and hepatology with state-of-the-art computational bioinformatics.

We support collaboration among different specialties and backgrounds and promote innovative and creative research approaches. We unite investigators with interests in digestive, liver, and pancreatic physiology and disease in the exploration of creative experimental approaches.
Columbia University
Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center
We love digestive research. We enjoy working in teams. We embrace diversity. Together we will achieve more.
Columbia University
Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center
The Columbia University Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center (CU-DLDRC) promotes collaborative and multidisciplinary research in digestive and liver diseases, integrating expertise in clinical and basic gastroenterology and hepatology with state-of-the-art computational bioinformatics.

We support collaboration among different specialties and backgrounds and promote innovative and creative research approaches. We unite investigators with interests in digestive, liver, and pancreatic physiology and disease in the exploration of creative experimental approaches.
Columbia University
Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center
The Columbia University Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center (CU-DLDRC) promotes collaborative and multidisciplinary research in digestive and liver diseases, integrating expertise in clinical and basic gastroenterology and hepatology with state-of-the-art computational bioinformatics.

We support collaboration among different specialties and backgrounds and promote innovative and creative research approaches. We unite investigators with interests in digestive, liver, and pancreatic physiology and disease in the exploration of creative experimental approaches.
Columbia University
Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center

Mission and Leadership

The mission of the NIH-NIDDK funded Columbia University Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Center is to promote collaborative and multidisciplinary research in digestive and liver diseases, integrating expertise in clinical and basic gastroenterology and hepatology with state-of-the-art computational bioinformatics.

Our goal is to advance the health of patients through better understanding of digestive and liver diseases and delivery of improved therapeutic, preventative, and diagnostic approaches.

These efforts are supported by a team of full and associate members, specialized cores, and programs that focus on two central themes:

We support collaboration among different specialties and backgrounds and promote innovative and creative research approaches. We unite investigators with interests in digestive, liver, and pancreatic physiology and disease in the exploration of creative experimental approaches. We encourage excellent investigators from outside the field to enter this research area.

Executive Committee


Robert Schwabe, MD
CU-DLDRC Director
Department of Medicine
Columbia University
Website | Profile


Rebecca Haeusler, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
Timothy Cragin Wang, MD
Silberberg Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases
Department of Medicine
Columbia University
Website | Profile

Internal Advisory Board


Muredach Reilly, MBBCh, MSCE
Florence and Herbert Irving Professor of Medicine
Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research
Department of Medicine
Columbia University

Board Members

Kevin L. Gardner, MD, PhD
Donald and Mary Kind Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology
Chair, Department of Pathology and Cell Biology,
Pathologist-in-Chief, NY Presbyterian Hospital, CUIMC
Ali Gharavi, MD
Jay Meltzer Professor of Nephrology and Hypertension
Chair, Department of Medicine
Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
Physician-in-Chief at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Emmanuelle Passegue, PhD
Professor of Genetics and Development
Director of the Columbia Stem Cell Initiative
Department of Genetics and Development
Columbia University
Anil Rustgi, MD
Herbert & Florence Irving Professor of Medicine
Director, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
Associate Dean of Oncology
Special Advisor to the President, Cancer Programs and Strategies
Department of Medicine
Columbia University
Megan Sykes, MD
Michael J. Friedlander Professor of Medicine
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Department of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology
Columbia University

Community Members

Moraima Irizarry

Community Member/Patient Advocate
Ms. Moraima Irizarry is a life-long resident of Washington Heights and is deeply rooted to its community in the highly diverse neighborhood in upper Manhattan that surrounds the Columbia University Irving Medical Center and represents the central part of its catchment area. Ms. Irizarry studied Laboratory Technology at CUNY Community College and is fully bilingual (English and Spanish). She worked as a Senior Research Worker and Lab Manager at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Columbia University for 30 years and is now retired. Ms. Irizarry has long been involved in digestive diseases as a caregiver for relatives with pancreatitis, IBD and Crohn’s disease. As a Washington Heights resident for decades, she actively participates in community activities, including discussions on health awareness, screening and treatment plans for various health conditions. Through her previous experience, Ms. Irizarry is highly familiar with research grant applications, data interpretation, scientific publications and how research can impact health care and the lives of patients in our community.

External Advisory Board


Bishr Omary, MD, PhD
Henry Rutgers Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research
Department of Medicine
Rutgers University

Board Members

Stephen Duncan, PhD
Chair, Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology
Professor of Medicine
Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology
Medical University of South Carolina
Jacquelyn Maher, MD
Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Juanita Merchant, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology
Department of Medicine
University of Arizona
D. Brent Polk, MD
Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition at Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego,
Executive Vice Chair for the Department of Pediatrics
UC San Diego School of Medicine
Cynthia Sears, MD
Professor of Medicine
Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Johns Hopkins University